Month: January 2005
Temporary inverted version for accessibility purposes. Proper reduxed version soon.
Sir Walter Raleigh was an Asshole
Neal’s Belch 189 from Jan 2005
As a former piano player, I appreciate the anger caused by the misuse of a keyboard on the cover of a certain album by The Beatles, the name of which escapes me, on which the band members were to be seen using a keyboard as a sort of mat to cross a muddy road in Winter, in the vein of Sir Walter Raleigh. Although of course he did it much more stylishly.
Sadly, he cheapened his reputation by going on to invent a rather tacky stunt bicycle for children, hence wasting his wonderful talents which he could have put to much more productive uses.
Uses such as, for example, inventing a method whereby footbridges might be built using much cheaper materials and lower labour costs. He really was an asshole to come up with a puddle traversement system and just leave it at that.
Surely it was his duty to share the endless possibilities of this discovery with the world? Think of all the men and women who died building the Golden Gate Bridge, when all along they could have just tossed a giant cloak across the river and barely gotten themselves wet.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Neal has finally run out of ideas for a Belch, and has taken to writing down whatever words spring into his mind, without even caring to consider how they look to the reader. And you’d be largely right about that, but you really shouldn’t think so much. You’ll end up with an oversized brain and then you’ll have to spend money on a new hat, your credit card debt will get out of control, your finances will spiral into a cauldron-like hole in the earth, rather like Dante’s famous seven circles of hell in the book / painting / poem / movie / cartoons “Dante’s Inferno”.
I can never remember which it is, but I’m sure it got rave reviews at the time. Those sorts of things always do, don’t they?
That’s a rhetorical question by the way, but that doesn’t mean you are not obliged to answer it. It just means that I can’t hear you, so I will just have to make a best guess as to what your reply will be, and then let you know whether you are right or wrong.
As it happens, you’re right, but there’s no need to be so cocky about it. Any idiot had a fifty: fifty chance of getting it. It was just a case of picking the right fifty. Not all fifties are the same, you know. Some are a little older and have become discoloured, and fifties manufactured after nineteen ninety are smaller, due to the Irish Central Bank’s efforts to reduce the sizes of coins to make them cheaper.
Then there was that other thing, The Yellow Brick Road, which resulted in a sudden and unmanageable increase in demand for yellow paving, and had appalling economic consequences. Frankly, I don’t care about that, but it’s interesting to note that both Elton John and Captain Beefheart performed songs about the yellow brick road, yet neither were used for the motion picture “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”, due to the film-makers having rushed it out decades before these wonderful soundtracks were ready.
And that brings me to my point.
Dirty little secret the statisticians don’t want you to know
An early 2005 “ Editorial”
Picture this.
Two cats walk into a bar. One of the cats spots himself in a mirror, becomes confused and assumes that he is already drunk. He makes his way home, cheefully counting the undimished twenty Euro that he came out with.
The other cat reaches into his fur and realises he has lost all of his own money somewhere between the bus stop and the bar, so he heads out into the street in search of some free entertainment.
Not halfway to the kerb he spot a busker, sitting on a ballister playing some melancholy thing on his harmonica. Noticing the empty whiskey bottle beside the musician, the cat settles himself down on the pavement, right beside the busker’s collection cap and in just the right place to breathe the alcolhol fumes being exhaled from the mouth organ.
It is a little known fact that cats’ brains work better when they are intoxicated.
The reason for this fact being little known, is that it is completely untrue. The cat, however, is not aware of this. And as the whiskey steams around his tiny head and body he starts to ponder the mysteries of the little world in which he lives. He comes to realise that Pi divides into itself exactly once, and is startled at his discovery. Being drunk he fails to realise that it is mindbogglinglingly obvious to anyone with even the most remote grasp of mathematics than any number will divide by itself exactly once, assuming it is offered the opportunity to do so.
Sadly though, so many of our numbers are going through their lives without ever once experiencing the pleasure of being divided, not even by themselves. Strict religious doctrine and suffocatingly conservative goverments have put a stop to this. The resulf of course is a nation of frustrated numbers, who take their unhappiness out on the innocent of our society. Hence the increase in robberies, violent assault and jaywalking that we see in the annual reports published by the Irish Central Statistics Office (CSO)
Unfortunately those figures cannot be trusted either, because the numbers are of course themselves criminals. It’s a vicious circle, and it’s radius is pi time it’s radius squared, not that that’s going to help in any way.
But at least now you know.
This Site will not Stand in the way of your Cheeses and Omelettes
From 13th Jan, 2005 – Editorial
I’ve always been a great believer in the dictum “quad etait demonstrandum,” which of course means “Ask not what your country can do for you. Instead, go to a fun fair and win a giant teddy bear called Lucy which takes up half the house and you may even have to get rid of your other bears Harry and Barry, despite them being much more loved and one of them being a gift from your boyfriend who is most upset and offended about the whole thing.”
On the other hand, where I wear my watch, I can tell that the time is fast approaching six o’clock, and that can only mean one thing.
It’s time to turn to cheese. Cheese is the be all and end all of everything. Without it we are mere apes, incapable of making a feast from some mouldy milk, and therefore wasting all of our intellectual advances of the past eight hundred years. I say eight hundred because, of course, that’s the number of years that have passed since the invention of the steam toaster. A fine contraption if ever I saw one, although I should advise you that if you have one of the early models, now is the time to open the bottom flap and empty out the crumbs that have gathered within over the years. You can always use them to make some kind of a stuffing, or perhaps a cheese omelette.
Nowadays of course all the young people have George Foreman grills instead. That man is a genius. All that time when we thought he was being beaten up because of weakness, we didn’t realise he was just in a creative trance in his corner of the ring, busy thinking up new ways to fry pork chops without the fats rolling back in. And besides, just as there are many religions, and many paths to god, we must tolerate these young people who use these fancy contraptions, for there are many ways to a cheese sandwich..
Cheese omelettes are lovely by the way, especially if you add plenty of onions and chickens and things to disguise the taste of the eggs and cheese and stuff. Not that I’ve got anything against eggs or cheese. It’s just that they do not belong together.
Eggs are a breakfast item.
At a stretch they can be used for luncheoning, but let’s make one thing perfectly clear. Cheese cannot be eaten before eight pm. It is a wonderful foodstuff, but it’s use is either as a late night snack – a toasted sandwich perhaps after a night of passionate drinking, or if you must, a cheese and wine party slightly earlier in the evening, of the sort that a colleague of mine used to organise every year. A perrenial cheese event, if you will.
But I won’t.
For I, as the responsible and caring editor of a cat themed website, must remain impartial in all of these matters. I care equally for both Harry and Barry, as I do for Lucy, the oversize fun fair bear won at Funderland last week. Or was it the week before?
I am open to correction. I am also open to omelettes and the cheeses and eggs therein, and will give all of these wonders of the culinary world the benefit of the doubt until I have tried them. This is, after all, a public service website, created to educate and inform you, the humble and ingorant reader, so that you may dare to hope to become less stupid.
And who am I to stand in your way? I don’t want to be the cause of another Tieneman Square, and besides you’re not driving a tank. Just an oversize car. And after all, I’ve always been stone cold rigidly opposed to the idea of two streets or parks or squares in the world being given the same name. There are two many “Chestnut Close”s and “Hillside Park”s and “and “Dargan Street”s for my liking. And I will not contribute to the confusion by creating another “Tieneman Square”. At least not until I have visited the original one and come to a conclusion, one way or another, as to whether or not it is to my liking.
Page of Fine Poetry, A
Mostly from a short phase in the mid 2000s when I tried to inject some culture into the original, writings-heavy and it’s motley crewe of contributors. Or was bored at work. Whatever works.
The Cat Lottery
Eleven cats of diff’ring sizes
Ran a lottery with prizes
Thereby breaching section twenty
Of the Gaming Act (1990)
Some were jailed, while others pleaded
Ignorance, and were believe-ed
“Cats are stupid, so it’s credible”
Said the judge, “that they’d be gullible”
That been said, they did get cautioned
Not to offer people fortunes
Scratch and sniff, but not on cards
Or else you’ll end up behind bars
Sojourn to Nibit
Every Monday afternoon without a deviation
I climb aboard an army tank and ride it to the station
On arrival I dismount and purchase me a ticket
Then off I go along the track to destination Nibit
Nibit is a city of which very little’s known
But for the last decade or so I have there weekly flown
It might be for the discount stores which sell cheap toiletries
More likely it’s because I like to go there to catch bees
Puppy on the roof
Once upon a slated roof
A tired puppy rested hoof
He sat atop the summit’s crest
And faced his weary eyes out west
He spied a gasworks, lit and smokey
“Gosh” he cried out “Be the hokey”
Up atop the gasworks chimney
Sat his second cousin Jimmy
“What you up to?” he did shout
And cousin Jimmy turned about
To find out who was calling him
And why they thought his name was Jim
“I’m sorry” Jimmy hollered back
You’ve confused me. My name’s Jack
The puppy did apologise
Something had clouded his eyes
“So what you up to anyway?”
To his new acquantance he did say
“I’m crapping down this warm gas pipe
About to give my ass a wipe
Any other questions, shithead?”
“No” said puppy, then he fled
And nothing further ‘twixt them said
Till the day when both were dead
The Seller
Central heating’s overrated
Said the salesman as he baited
Two new buyers for his fires
Electric ones – they’re powered by wires
Try these melons said the seller
Forcing them on Mrs. Weller
Two a pound, there’s nothing cheaper
Other’s prices are much steeper
Try some of this, the pusher whispered
It’ll really get you withered
Free this time, until you’re netted
No doubt you’ll have had them vetted
By a friend who knows these things
He’ll tell you that they’ll give you wings
He’ll look quite a bit like me
Except disguised with toiletries
He’ll entice you back to me
That’s when I can up my fee
Ah this job, it’s such a bliss
Perhaps I shouldn’t tell you this
Fungal Reflection
As I sit and ponder why
An ostrich ever tries to fly
I deviate and think of times
I’ve spent looking at railway lines
I’ve always wondered how they stay
So firmly parallel, no stray
They must be blessed, those engineers
With very powerful inner ears
To balance themeselves accuratly
Atop an overlooking tree
And peer down at their long day’s works
To make sure it aligns like forks
And while I ponder and I muse
Fact and fiction start to fuse
And I imagine tales of old
Of William Tell and legends bold
An apple hangs upon said tree
And underneath is little me
The engineer he shoots a bow
And over I do start to go
Falling far through open air
Until I wake up fine and fair
Amazed at how I dreamt so clear
The mushrooms are fantastic here
The Bet
Several years ago I met a gentleman who claimed
That any scheme to win a bet on horses was hair brained
I challenged him to wager on which foal would win the cup
And halfway through the race got interrupted by a pup
The dog ran out upon the track and made his presence felt
The organisers looked so hot it seemed like they might melt
One horse tripped over, then another, followed by the rest
It goes to show, I always say, that puppies are a pest
Nature’s Winter Tale
Beyond the dual glazing
Where dew water is hazing
Another world does exist
Animals busy themselves
Like merry little elves
Preparing themselves to exist
Through to Spring
Somewhere in the midst
A creature in dire straits
In vein flusterings to assemble it’s mid December nest
The wind is too strong
And she waited too long
Around and afar blow the straw and the leaf
What a life for a sparrow!
An extended Summer
A sojourn in South America
It became an Autumn
She forgot to go home
Until now
And the weather’s against her
“Oh fuck”, she says
I Wandered Lonely as a Wasp
I wandered lonely as a wasp
That floats on high o’er veils and hills
And gets spotted by a wasp hunter
Who lifts his gun, takes aim and kills
I strolled and pondered why we’re here
And clocked up several hours of thinking
Eventually my mind did clear
And into logic I did peer
Clear as a bell it all became
My doubts they did begin to wane
Just in case, I reconsidered
But clarity was still unhindered
It’s obvious it seemed to me
A lower species we must be
Otherwise why would we begat
Eight lives less than the humble cat?
Let no Man Ponder
Oh joy of joys
My life is better
The clouds have burst
I’m getting wetter
My time is now
The day has come
At least according
To my mum
Ten times the price
At half the cost
Who knows the hour
When we’ll be lost?
A gnat is born
Yet none has died
The miracle
At which we cried
Let no man ponder
What we seek
At least until
Tomorrow week
Let hats be worn
And cheeses bought
Insider jokes
Their meanings sought
Announce the world
A new time dawns
Make way, make way
You’re all the pawns
Make patchwork quilts
And eiderdowns
And celebration
Dressing gowns
Be merry, drunk
Don’t lapse your glee
‘least not until
You need a pee
Let it be known
The time is now
Or to be accurate
Ten seconds past, now
Don’t search a moral
This is a con
I made this up
It’s meaning – none
1851, Ireland, a cat
Into the west rode the brave young cat
Not one to balk at a crisis like that
On and on ran the brave little mite
Fearlessly fighting the potatoe blight
A hundred years later he lay undisturbed
In his grave, a death which left most unperturbed
For nobody knew or cared or remembered
How one little pussy’s life got dismembered
Mrs Proctor’s Prescription
Take twice daily, says the doctor
Handing them to Mrs. Proctor
Don’t forget to try a packet
Of these ones – they’re quite a racket
All the young ones swear by them
They make you feel more feminine
And frankly you could do with some
Unless you want to be a nun
The Count Perishes
I see a purple man on stair
Despite the overwhelming glare
He calls at me amidst the white
To please turn off the painful light
I turn and look and see and shudder
Hate and evil spill, I blubber
Apocalyptic is the scene
He drowns in brightness, his breath weans
Seconds pass, he’s disappeared
The whole vampire, and his beard
Immersed in whiteness, doomed to die
There but for his grace go I
Untitled Nursery Rhyme
Half past noon
Let’s go to the moon
And visit the pink baboon
He’ll welcome us soon
And lend us a spoon
And we’ll sample the cheddar moon
We’ll try out the cheddar
And it will taste bedder
Than anything we’ve ever seen
So we’ll gobble it all
And after we’ll fall
In love with the cheese on the moon
And if we’ve got room
After eating the moon
The baboon will make us some tea
He’ll be all smiles
Visible for miles
Then he’ll eat us
Black and White and Red all Over
Black and white and red all over
Let’s go roll around in clover
That’ll add a hint of green
Increasing chance of being seen
Black and white and green all over
Let’s insert a dog called “Rover”
That’ll up the cuteness factor
Nothing like a canine actor
Black and white and full of barking
Let’s provide some indoor parking
Nothing like conveniency
To get the patrons to the movie
Untitled (2012)
Composed while recording Show 602 of Into Your Head podcast – available here.
You won’t be hearing any more of that,
You might as well be listening to a cat,
On second thoughts this may seem repetitious,
But on second thoughts too, monkeys are delicious.
So don’t take too much notice of these so-called second thoughts,
More often than not they are the mere result of monkey nut poisoning,
Which also happens to affect the creative side of the human brain,
Particularly the region that deals with arranging written language into pleasant, poetic phrases.
Problem with the Cheese
Originally published circa 2005 on the (long gone) – a sort of Canadian version of with more swaring and fewer cats..
I’m deeply concerned at the moment by the proliferation of television commercials advertising cheese that has no holes in it. This is not acceptable in this day and age. Are there no standards in the food industry any more? I mean, in my day, you used to be able to put your finger through any lump of cheese without using a kitchen implement of any kind. And I don’t mean because it was soft. There was simply a sufficient number of holes in the cheese to guarantee permeability at almost any point along it’s surface. But times have changed now. And apparently, the manufacturers think we should be eating smooth, flat slices of cheddar wrapped in plastic.
They don’t specifically say that we have to eat the plastic, but it’s pretty much implied, isn’t it? Presumably so that they can poison our brains and turn them to mush, so that we’ll watch even more of their advertisements and buy whatever they have lined up for us next. I confidently expect the launch, sometime in the next year or two, of flat pack carrots. And when that happens, mark my words, we’ll have been taken over completely, and it will be too late for all of us.
People sometimes say that I’m paranoid. Well, I’m certainly anoid. But I think what they mean is that I think everybody’s out to get me. Well, what I think or don’t think is irrelevant. Either they’re out to get me, or they’re not. And in the case of the dairy products industry, they are.
I don’t want to worry you, but today I bought a carton of milk and took it home, and I’m almost certain that as I opened it I could hear a faint “moo” coming from behind me. Admittedly I do have cows in my back garden. But I only keep them as pets so they don’t “moo”. They just sit there, staring at me and eating my grass and waiting for me to grow some more grass for them in the greenhouse. They have very exotic tastes in grass, my cows. They won’t eat any old carp. They expect me to import grass seed from a dealer in South America, but I think it’s worth it. The cows always look very, very happy while they’re eating the grass. In fact, I think they’re becoming addicted to it. Well at least it keeps them off the street.
I’m not like other cow keepers, who allow them to roam the streets of the city at all hours of the day and night. I stand up to my responsibilities. Streets are for cars, cats and people. Not cows. Cows need to be kept well away from the urban environment. The same is true of tortoises and reindeer. Stop me if I’m stating the obvious here. I don’t like to patronise my readers (“Patronise” meaning “talking down to”).
Anyway, the problem as I see it is that we are are far too accepting of the existence of cheese manufacturers. Surely cows are perfectly capable of making all the cheese that we need to keep the world running. We don’t need these factories pumping out tonne after tonne of artificial cheeses, made by hideous machines and stuffed with unnecessary additives and dye. So I say we leave it to the cows. After all, they’ve being pumping out cheese for thousands of centuries, without any need for interference from us humans. All we need to do is put a couple of buckets underneath them; one for the milk and one for the cheese, and let them do what comes natural.
Personally, I prefer jam to cheese. With jam, you never have to worry about whether or not there are going to be holes, or whether it’s going to be wrapped in individual slices with “extra mild, loved by kids” or some such carp, written all over it. The problem with jam, though, is it’s full of fruit and health crap like that. I don’t want health on my toast. If I wanted health I would have a salad or a banana. When I’m having toast I want to be left alone with proper unhealthy stuff that actually tastes of something.
I never understand why people who like fruit claim that it’s good for punctuation. They go on and on and on about tidying up their colons, and presumably as well commas, semi-colons and full stops, but fruit isn’t going to make you more literate. If anything, fish will. Fish is brain food. Even if you don’t eat the head. Because fishes are remarkably intelligent, if you choose to measure a creature’s intelligence by it’s ability to swim around in the ocean. Which I do. I think any animal that manages to find it’s way around in the dark depths of the sea, with all that sewage and bits of the titanic floating around and getting in the way, must be super intelligent.
So to recap, lets all eat plenty of fish and jam, but not so much cheese
Bowsy’s Good god how are we going to tell our sheep apart?
by Bowsy the Bear
The one thing I miss about that week when there was a dog temporarily residing in this house, is the many minutes I whiled away talking to it.
You know – things like “Hello dog. You’re a dog, you are. That’s right. A dog. Aren’t you?” It’s always nice to be so certain about a fact, to the point that you are virtually infallible. That’s why you humans, despite all of your sophisticated modern knowledge and technologies, still resort to comfortable old phrases like “Let’s call a spade a spade”. Y
You take great comfort in the fact that no matter what, there is always a garden implement tucked away in your garden shed with which you can relax and converse in the comfort of one hundred percent certainty as to it’s true identity.
How often does that happen in your day to day life? Can you be sure that the person who stands behind the supermarket checkout and takes your money is a genuine employee of the store, and not a confidence trickster who’s spotted an empty checkout and is chancing his arm?
Can you really be confident that those people in your house – allegedly your spouse and children – are the people they claim to be? Don’t forget, just because you’re paranoid, that doesn’t mean they’re not all out to get you.
On the other hand, why would they be out to get you, of all people? It’s not as if you’re a precious commodity. There’s six god dam billion of you now, and humans are three a penny. Frankly if I had the whole of Earth’s human populatoion to choose from, I’d avoid the two dozen who were mentally deficient to the point of paranoia and instead cherry pick the best.
Not that a cherry is much of an analogy for a top quality human. The only humans who are red are the ones who choose to sit under a tanning bed for longer than the recommended time. You don’t want those.
That reminds me. Why does the tanning bed never get burnt?
Not that I require a reply, you understand. I merely ask the question in order to showcase my unique observational talents. Or rather, not quite unique, sense several thousand other bears are equally equipped.
I’m sure you wouldn’t quite see it that way if it was you though. Being a human, your survival instincts cause you to believe that you are so unique and important to the world that it must have you. In my case of course, it’s true. In yours however, it is not. Don’t take it personally, it’s just that you’re an ordinary, two legged snotty human being, one of six billion of same, and I’m a talking teddy bear. There’s just no competition.
And to think, you people have spent the last ten years trying to figure out whether it’s okay to clone yourselves.
Even better, many of you thought it was disgusting when they cloned Dolly the sheep. Oh my god – if that sort of thing is allowed to go on, we’ll have a load of sheep who all look exactly the same. Wherever will it end? We must stop these crackpots who want to create identical sheep.
Meanwhile, toy factories are gurgitating copies of me every day, faster than they can churn out five Euro picture postcards of Benedict VIV to flog in the Vatican car park.
And in conclusion, did I mention that you’re an idiot?