Do you have old episodes that are not on this site? Anything that’s not on these two pages: 500 to Present and 001 to 499. If you do, please contact me. Many thanks Frank, Jan Eric and myself for salvaging hundreds of shows to date. They are now on this site and the podcast feed and the separately hosted alt backup feed and preserved permenantly on Archive dot org, for which the alt site over at Archive.IntoYourHead.ie will eventaully serve as a long term Wayback-Machine-friendly companion site to the Archive.org files. How’s that for going from one extreme to the other?
Contact Neal.
Shows on this Site: 500 to Present | 001 to 499 |
See all posts from any year or any month:
(Shows, comics and writings)
Easily download all audio or a few shows: Get Podcast (free)
1: Archive.org Stash 1 Neal’s Uploads
This page on Archive dot org now contain all available episodes of Into Your Head. If that link stops working just go to Archive dot org and search “Into Your Head podcast Neal O’Carroll” for everything I’ve uploaded, including that page random single-episode uploads which are dubplicates.
2: Archive.org Stash 2 – Frank’s Uploads – ONSUG Radio Collection
Part of Frank Edward Nora’s ONSUG Radio collection – specifically the part he’s titled Onsug Radio – Channel 686 – 200+ episodes from just late enough in Into Your Head show’s history to be listenable. More about ONSUG below.
3: Archive.IntoYourHead.ie – Wayback Machine compatible archives Guide for future Humans
A work-in-progress. Archive.IntoYourHead.ie is a permanent companion site for the shows that are preserved on Archive.org. The idea is that flying space car owners can find it by searching Archive.IntoYourHead.ie
on Archive.org’s WayBack Machine.
4. Alt Backup Archive Feeds
NOTE: The feeds below won’t work forever, but the shows will always be directly accessible on Archive dot org here: Stash 1 | Stash 2 |
ALT FEED No. 1: Non-permanent Alt feed of the Podcast, hosted directly
This feed may work for a while after the main podcast (hosted on LibSyn) goes away. This feed includes the episode descriptions from Archive.IntoYourHead.ie
ALT FEED No. 2: Similar Non-permanent Alt feed, using episode descriptions from the posts on this site.
About The ONSUG Radio (Overnightscape Underground) Collection:
Frank Edward Nora eats, sleeps and breathes literally all day, makes his show The Overnightscape (since. March 2003!) on his commute, then spends much of his spare time creating archival systems for audio content, just in case we all turn out to be immortal.
Among my listenership the most supportive have always been my fellow listeners to The Overnightscape Frank’s was the first indie podcast I ever found, and is still great. If your flying car breaks down at the side of a cumulonimbus bypass in 2421, dial up the huge ONSUG collection (now including Into Your Head) on Archive.org. Please use earphones on the flying bus.